
Who recommended formation of Unilingual State of Punjab for Punjabi speaking people ?

AJVP Commission

BShah Commission

CDhar Commission

DFazal Ali Commission


B. Shah Commission


Shah Commission:

  • The Shah Commission was formed in 1966.
  • On the recommendation of the Shah Commission, the punjabi- speaking areas of State of Punjab were combined into a unilingual state of Punjab.
  • The Hindi-speaking areas were merged into the State of Haryana.
  • The hill areas were merged with the neighboring union territory of Himachal Pradesh.

JVP Committee:

  • JVP Committee was formed in 1948.
  • It constituted of Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallahbhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya and hence, was popularly known as JVP Committee.
  • It submitted its report in April 1949.
  • It formally rejected language as the basis for reorganisation of states.

Dhar Commission:

  • Dhar Commission was formed in 1948.
  • The Government of India appointed the Linguistic Provinces Commission under the chairmanship of S K Dhar.
  • The commission submitted its report in December 1948.
  • It recommended the reorganisation of states on the basis of administrative convenience rather than linguistic factor.

Fazal Ali Commission:

  • The establishment of the state of Andhra Pradesh heightened demand from other regions for the establishment of linguistically distinct states.
  • This compelled the Government of India to appoint a three-member State Reorganisation Commission.
  • The chairman of the commission was Fazal Ali.
  • The other two members were K.M. Panikkar and H.N. Kunzru.

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