
ഒരേ നിയമസഭയിൽ ഡെപ്യൂട്ടി സ്പീക്കറും, സ്പീക്കറും ആയ വ്യക്തി :

Aകെ. രാധാകൃഷ്ണൻ

Bജി. കാർത്തികേയൻ

Cപി.പി. തങ്കച്ചൻ

Dഎൻ. ശക്തൻ


D. എൻ. ശക്തൻ


In 2011, he first served as the Pro term Speaker of the Assembly, and later was elected Deputy Speaker. When G. Karthikeyan, the speaker of Kerala Legislative Assembly died in office, Sakthan was elected to the post of Speaker, thus becoming the first person to serve in the posts of Pro tem Speaker, Deputy Speaker and Speaker, that too in a single assembly period.

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