
Who was the first satyagrahi for Gandhi's Individual Satyagraha Movement in 1940?

AMahadev Desai

BJC kumarappa

CJawaharlal Nehru

DVinoba Bhave


D. Vinoba Bhave


The first satyagrahi for Gandhi's Individual Satyagraha Movement in 1940 was Vinoba Bhave.

Individual Satyagraha (1940):

  1. Launch: The movement was launched by Mahatma Gandhi in 1940 as a response to the British decision to involve India in World War II without consulting Indian leaders.

  2. Vinoba Bhave's Role: Vinoba Bhave was chosen as the first individual satyagrahi because of his dedication to the principles of nonviolence and his close association with Gandhi. He was a prominent follower of Gandhi and played a key role in the independence movement.

  3. Purpose: The purpose of the Individual Satyagraha was to express peaceful resistance to British rule and to demand complete independence for India. It was meant to be a nonviolent, individual protest, with each satyagrahi declaring their opposition to the British government without resorting to violence.

Vinoba Bhave's participation in this movement marked the beginning of a significant phase in India's struggle for independence.

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