
The only Himalayan River which finally falls in Arabian Sea :






A. Sindhu


Indus River

  • Origin - Bogar Chu Glacier near Mana Lake, Tibet.

  • It is the only Himalayan river that flows into the Arabian Sea

  • The westernmost river of the Indian subcontinent.

  • It is the only west-flowing Himalayan river

  • Total length - 2880 km

  • The most mentioned river in the Rigveda.

  • River valley where the Harappan culture existed

  • Cotton was cultivated for the first time in the Indus River basin.

  • The river known as the Indus is the river that gave rise to the name India.

  • Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, Beas and Sutlej are tributary rivers.

  • Punjab got its name from the tributaries of the Indus.

  • It is the only river that creates hills in India.

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