
In a certain code language 639 means 'earth is green' 32 means 'green colour' 265 means 'colour is beauty' Which digit in that language means 'beauty?






D. 5


- 639 means 'earth is green' - 32 means 'green colour' - 265 means 'colour is beauty' We can identify common words and digits in each statement: The word "green" appears in both 639 and 32. Therefore, the digit representing green must be 3 - The word **"colour"** appears in both **32** and **265**, so the digit representing colour must be 2 - "is" is common between 639 and 265, so the digit representing is must be 6. Now, we can focus on the word "beauty". The only digit left in the number 265 is 5, which must represent beauty. Thus, the digit that means "beauty" is 5.

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