
Out of total monthly salary of Kabir spends 27% of his monthly salary on Rent and 18 % on travelling expenses. 35% of the remaining monthly salary for food and while the remaining salary is saved which is equal to Rs. 14300, then find his monthly salary?

ARs 65000

BRs 75000

CRs 85000

DRs 40000


D. Rs 40000


Let the monthly salary of Kabir be X, ⇒ Already used 27% + 18% = 45% remaining is 55% ⇒ Now 35% of remaining is used in food so rest 65% will be equal to ⇒ X × (55/100) × (65/100) = 14300 ⇒ X = 14300× (100/55) × (100/65) ⇒ X = Rs. 40000

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