
Which of the following is not a method of controlling inflation?

AControl over supply of currency

Brationing of goods

Ccontrol on demand

Dreduction in interest rate


D. reduction in interest rate


  • Reducing interest rates typically stimulates borrowing, spending, and economic growth, which can actually fuel inflation.

  • The other options are methods to control inflation:

  1. Control over supply of currency : Reduces money circulation, decreasing inflationary pressures.

  2. Rationing of goods : Limits consumption, reducing demand-pull inflation.

  3. Control on demand : Reduces aggregate demand, alleviating inflationary pressures.

  • To control inflation, interest rates are usually increased, not decreased, to ;

  1. Reduce borrowing and spending

  2. Increase savings

  3. Reduce money circulation

  • Higher interest rates help combat inflation by reducing demand and slowing economic growth.

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