
The partition of Bengal was made by :

ALord Rippon

BLord Mayo

CLord Curson

DLord Canning


C. Lord Curson


  • Lord Curzon, who was the Viceroy of India from 1899 to 1905, implemented the partition of Bengal on October 16, 1905.

  • The partition divided the Bengal Presidency into two parts: Eastern Bengal and Assam (with a Muslim majority), and Bengal (with a Hindu majority).

Key points about the Bengal Partition:

  • It was ostensibly done for administrative convenience as Bengal was a large province

  • However, it was widely viewed as an attempt to implement the British "divide and rule" policy by separating Hindu and Muslim populations

  • The partition sparked significant nationalist opposition and gave rise to the Swadeshi Movement

  • It led to widespread protests, boycotts of British goods, and strengthened the Indian freedom movement

  • The partition was eventually annulled in 1911 by Lord Hardinge (as mentioned in one of the similar questions on your screen)

  • Bengal was reunited, though Assam remained a separate province

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