
Which Indian state shares the longest land border with Bhutan?



CArunachal Pradesh

DWest Bengal


A. Assam



  • Formed on - 1956 November 1

  • It shares the longest land border with Bhutan

  • Indian state in the shape of T in the English alphabet

  • The state known as the land of red rivers and blue hills

  • The state is known as the gateway to North Eastern states

  • It is the most populous state among North Eastern states.

  • The state is known as the Tea Garden of India.

  • The largest tea producing state in India.

  • The state ruled by the Ahom Dynasty

  • The Indian state where the Ahom Rebellion took place

  • Indian state where 'Bodo' language is popular

  • State known as 'Kamarupa' in ancient times.

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(i) ചൈന

(ii) നേപ്പാൾ

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(iv) ഭൂട്ടാൻ

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ഇന്ത്യയുടെ തെക്കു ഭാഗത്തു കിടക്കുന്ന അയൽ രാജ്യം : -

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