
Which is the second most abundant gas in Earth's atmosphere?




DCarbon di oxide


B. Oxygen


Atmospheric composition

  • Gases, moisture and dust particles are the major constituents. It is the gravitational attraction of the earth that holds the atmosphere close to the earth.

  • Atmospheric Gases and % of Composition

Nitrogen - 78.08, Oxygen – 20.95, Argon - 0.93, Carbon dioxide - 0.03, Ozone – 0.01 along with Neon, Helium, Krypton, Hydrogen, Xenon are main constituents.

  • Water reaches the atmosphere through evaporation and causes cloud formation and rain.

  • Factors influencing the amount of water in the atmosphere:

  1. Rate of evaporation - High at places experiencing higher temperature

  2. Closeness to the surface water sources such as oceans, rivers and other water bodies.

  • Dust particles are brought to the atmosphere by wind, erupted through volcanic eruption and through formation of ash by burning of meteors.

  • As the fine dust particles in the atmosphere help in cloud formation they are called as Condensation nuclei.

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