
Ram spends 30% of his monthly income on food and 50% of the remaining on household expenses and saves the remaining Rs. 10,500. Find the monthly income of Shyam if monthly income of Ram is 25% less than that of Shyam.

ARs. 40,000

BRs. 32,000

CRs. 38,000

DRs. 28,000


A. Rs. 40,000


Let the total income of Ram be Rs. 100x Salary spent on food = 30% of 100x = 30x Remaining amount = (100x – 30x) = 70x Salary spent on household expenses = 50% of 70x ⇒ 35x Savings = 100x – (30x + 35x) ⇒ 35x 35x = Rs. 10,500 ⇒ 100x = Rs. (10,500/35x) × 100x income of Ram⇒ Rs. 30,000 income of Ram is 25% less than that of Shyam 75% = Rs. 30,000 ⇒ 100% = Rs. (30,000/75) × 100 ⇒ Rs. 40,000

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