
The solid medium in which speed of sound is greater ?






B. Diamond


Speed of sound:

  • The speed of sound varies from substance to substance.

  • Typically, sound travels most slowly in gases, faster in liquids, and fastest in solids.

  • Sound travels fastest in solids because the molecules are tightly packed together, allowing sound waves to move faster

  • In exceptionally stiff materials such as diamond, sound travels at 12,000 m/s.

  • The speed of sound in steel is 6,000 meters per second.

Speed of sound in

  • Air : 340 m/s

  • Water : 1,480 m/s

  • Mercury : 1452 m/s

  • Glass : 5000 m/s

  • Aluminium : 5000 m/s

  • Iron : 5000 m/s

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