Updated on: 09 Dec 2024
Those preparing for the exam can make the exam easier if they clearly understand from which topics the questions are asked. For this, understand the syllabus well. Also understand how many marks the questions will be asked from each topic. To understand which parts of the syllabus should be studied more carefully and the parts where more questions are asked, understand the following syllabus carefully.
Subject-specific areas (Content & Pedagogy)
MATHEMATICS 80 Questions
The examination will be broadly based on the topics prescribed for classes 8 - 10 in Kerala state syllabus for Mathematics but some problems may have links to extension of these concepts to the graduate level. The details are given below:
Content Arithmetic
Real number system; modulus of numbers - distance between two numbers, rational numbers, irrational numbers, infinite decimal representation. Sequences and series: Problems relating to arithmetic progression and geometric progression.
Solutions of two equations in two variables; Quadratic equations, basic operations in polynomials, factor theorem, reminder theorem, binomial theorem for positive integral index.
Similar triangles, trigonometric measures, problems on heights and distances, geometric problems using trigonometry, properties and solutions of triangles using sine and cosine laws, radian and degree measures.
Circles: Central angle theorem, angles in the same segment, cyclic quadrilaterals, tangents, angle between tangent and chord. Perimeter and area of circles, length of arcs and area of sectors.
Solids: Volume and surface area of prisms, pyramids, cylinder, cone and sphere.
Co-ordinate Geometry: Co-ordinates, distance formula, slope and equation of a line, slope of parallel and perpendicular lines, perpendicular distance from a point to a line, external and internal division of line segment, equation of a circle with given radius and centre.
Conic sections: Basic concepts and related problems. Graphs of elementary function such as polynomials, absolute values, trigonometric functions.
Statistics and probability
Frequency distribution, classification and tabulation of data, graphical representation of data and frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Basic concepts and problems on probability. Idea of conditional probability.
Nature and scope of Mathematics Meaning, language, characteristics, significance, practical utility, curricular considerations and psychological considerations. Trends and Developments in Mathematics Historical development of Mathematics, latest developments in Mathematics, eminent Mathematicians and their contributions
Place of Mathematics in Secondary School Curriculum
Aims and objectives of learning Mathematics at secondary school level, correlation of Mathematics with life, with other subjects and correlation among various branches of Mathematics. Values of teaching Mathematics. Planning of teaching at different stages.
Approach to Mathematics
learning Importance of constructivist learning; Concept of learning to learn; concretisation of abstract ideas using learning aids, activities and illustrations; Techniques of individualizing instruction in Mathematics.
Theoretical bases of teaching Mathematics
Learning theories of Piaget, Burner and Gagne and the implications of these theories in the teaching of Mathematics, Learner centeredness.
Modern strategies and Methods of teaching Mathematics
Models of teaching, process oriented strategies - projects, seminars, field trips, debates etc. Methods of teaching - Inductive method, deductive method, analytic method, synthetic method, laboratory method, project method, problem solving method, heuristic method.
Teaching - Learning materials in Mathematics
Textbooks, handbooks, workbooks, qualities of good mathematics textbook and learning aids.
Curricular Activities in Mathematics
learning Mathematics club, laboratory, library, organization of Mathematics fair;
Evaluation of student performance
Continuous and comprehensive evaluation, grading the performance, achievement test, diagnostic test, diagnosis and remediation, qualities of a good achievement test, types of test items.