Updated on: 13 Dec 2024

KTET III - Natural Science Syllabus

The syllabus is designed to test candidates' subject knowledge and pedagogical skills. Key topics include:

1. Child Development & Pedagogy

  • Theories of learning and development

  • Cognitive and emotional development

  • Inclusive education strategies

  • Classroom management and evaluation techniques

2. Natural Science (Content)

The KTET Category 3 syllabus for Natural Science covers a wide range of topics, including the living world, the Plant and Animal Kingdoms, cell division, as well as the anatomy and morphology of organisms. Below is a concise summary and overview of the primary subjects included in the syllabus.

1. Living world Characteristics of living things - Classification - Binomial nomenclature - Taxonomical aids - Taxonomical aids can be defined as a scientific process used to classify various living organisms on the basis of the similar characteristics

2. Biological Classification History - Two kingdom classification - Five Kingdom Classification - Different Kingdoms Characteristics, Examples-Lichens and Viruses

3. Plant Kingdom Algae - Bryophytes - Pteridophytes - Gymnosperms - Angiosperms - Life Cycle- types- the basis of plant kingdom from algae to complex form of reproduction in angiosperms are focused.

4. Animal Kingdom Non-chordates - Chordates- primary classification of the animal kingdom into non-chordates (without a notochord) and Chordates (with notochord)

 5. Morphology of Angiosperms Root System-Structure, Function and Modifications with examples -Shoot system - Structure, function and modification with examples - Leaf - Arrangement, Modifications - Flower - Inflorescence - Fruits and seeds- The science of morphology is concerned with the physical characteristics of the flower plants or angiosperms.

6. Cell and Cell Division Cell - Structure and functions of different organelles - Mitosis, Meiosis and significance-

7. Anatomy of plants Cell, tissues, types of tissues and function - Anatomy of stem, Root and leaf -thickening in Dicot plants-plant development

8. Human Physiology Nutrition in human and other organism, e.g.: Hydra, Amoeba, Tapeworm - Human digestion and absorption - Human Respiratory system - Human Respiratory pathway CO2 elimination, Respiration in other organisms, e.g.: Earthworm, Cockroach - Circulatory system - Open and closed system - Human heart - Human circulatory system - Human blood - Lymph - Human cardiovascular disorders - Excretory system and excretion - Excretion in lower organisms - Body structure and movement - Human skeletal system - Exoskeleton and endoskeleton - Joints - Locomotion in lower forms of organisms - Flight adaptation of birds - Aquatic adaptations of fishes - Human Nervous systems - Central and peripheral nervous system - Reflex action - Sense organs and functions - Nervous disorders - Nervous system of lower groups organisms - Reproductive system - Sexual and asexual reproduction - Human reproductive system - Gametogenesis - Fertilisation - Embryogenesis - Hormones in reproduction -Reproduction in lower group organisms - Infertility - Assisted reproductive techniques - Chemical Coordination - Hormones, Pheromones.

9. Reproductive Health- Population -Explosion - Contraceptive - Assisted Reproductive techniques - Sexually transmitted diseases- A complete physical, mental and social well being of an individual is the basis of reproductive health.

10. Human Health and diseases- Common diseases in humans - Transmission of diseases - Physical, mental and social health - Importance of balanced diet - Deficiency disorders - Life style diseases - Malnutrition, Food adulteration - Different diagnostic techniques - Antibiotics - First Aid - Blood Donation - Immunity - Vaccination - Immune disorders - Different systems of treatment - Cancer - Drugs and Alcohol Abuse

11. Reproduction in Plants Life span - Asexual reproduction - examples - Sexual Reproduction - stages.

12. Reproduction in Angiosperms Flower parts - Micro sporogenesis - Megasporogenesis - Pollination - Fertilization - Fruit development - Seed development - Parthenocarpy and Apomixis. 

13. Transport in plants Physical phenomenon like Osmosis, Diffusion, Imbibition - Ascent of sap- Different theories - Transpiration and Guttation. 

14. Mineral Nutrition Mineral and Non mineral nutrients - Essential and Non-essential nutrients - Source and functions of essential nutrients - Deficiency symptoms - Hydroponics and Aeroponics -N2 metabolism in plants - Biological N2 Fixation.

15. Photosynthesis Chloroplasts and chlorophyll - structure and function - Light phase Reaction - Dark phase Reaction - C3 and C4 plants. Respiration in Plants aerobic, anaerobic - Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron transport system - Respiration as an amphibolic pathway.

16.Respiration in Plants aerobic, anaerobic - Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron transport system - Respiration as an amphibolic pathway. 

17. Growth and Development Plant hormones - Various types of plant movements - Vernalisation and Photoperiodism.

18. Inheritance and variations Mendalian laws - Monohybrid cross - Dihybrid Cross - Test cross - Codominance - Multiple alleles - Genetic disorders. 

19. Molecular basis of Inheritance Structure of DNA - DNA replication - Transcription - Translation - Genetic code - Mutation - Sex determination in human - Human genome project - DNA fingerprinting. 

20. Strategies in enhancement of food production Animal husbandry - Poultry, Pisciculture, Sericulture,- Animal breeding - Plant breeding - Tissue culture - Breeding for disease resistance, pest resistance. 

21. Biotechnology - Principles, applications,Genetic engineering - DNA technology - steps and procedure - Vectors- types and examples - Bioreactors - types and uses - Down streaming - - Applications in Agriculture - Applications in pest resistance - Applications in insulin formation - Gene therapy - Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) - Transgenic plants and Animals.

 22. Microbes in Human welfare Growth of microorganisms - Microbes in sewage treatment - Microbes as biocontrol agents - Microbes as biofertilizers. 

23. Organisms, population and Ecosystem Species, population, community concepts - Abiotic factors-- soil, water, light and temperature - Biotic factors - producer, consumer and decomposers - Food chain, food web, ecological pyramids - Ecological successions.

 24. Environmental Issues Pollution - Water, air, soil, sound and radioactive - Causes, effects and control measures - Greenhouse effect -- Global warming- causes, effect and control.

 25. Evolution Origin of life Theories of evolution - Evidences of evolution - Geological time scale - Mechanism of evolution - Origin and evolution of man-The theory of evolution is engulfed with a lot of assumptions, fossil study and phenomenon of panspermia. 

26. BioDiversity and conservation BioDiversity - Conservation of BioDiversity is the overall upliftment, conservation and preservation of biodiversity through judicious treatment of the environment in order to obtain sustainable benefits for the coming generations as well as the present generation.

3. Language Skills (Languages I & II)

  • Proficiency in chosen regional language (Malayalam, Tamil, or Kannada).

  • Comprehension, vocabulary, grammar, and writing skills in English.

4. Pedagogical Aspects of Natural Science

  • Methods of teaching science

  • Use of technology and tools in science teaching

  • Lesson planning and student assessment