Updated on: 20 Dec 2024
When preparing for an exam, one thing we definitely need is the syllabus of that exam. If we have the syllabus, we can understand from which sections the questions will be asked, which is helpful for our studies. The syllabus of this post is a bit wide. This syllabus has been given in great detail. Therefore, if you start studying according to this syllabus with a practical study plan, you can definitely expect good success. The syllabus for the Welfare Officer Grade II exam is as follows:
Salient Features of the Indian Constitution
Preamble: Significance and role in interpretation.
Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy: Their relationship and Fundamental Duties.
Structure of Government: Executive, Legislature, and Judiciary at Union and State levels.
Centre-State Relations: Legislative, Administrative, and financial aspects.
Services under the Union and the States.
Emergency Provisions.
Amendment Provisions of the Constitution.
Social Welfare Legislations and Programmes
Social Service Legislations like Right to Information Act, Prevention of atrocities against Women & Children, Food Security Act, Environmental Acts etc. and Social Welfare Programmes like Employment Guarantee Programme, Organ and Blood Donation etc.
Introduction to English education - various missionary organisations and their functioning-founding of educational institutions, factories. Printing press etc.
Efforts To Reform the Society
(A) Socio-Religious reform Movements
SNDP Yogam, Nair Service Society, Yogakshema Sabha, Sadhu Jana Paripalana Sangham, Vaala Samudaya Parishkarani Sabha, Samathwa Samajam, Islam Dharma Paripalana Sangham, Prathyaksha Raksha Daiva Sabha, Sahodara Prasthanam etc
(B) Struggles and Social Revolts
Upper cloth revolts. Channar agitation, Vaikom Sathyagraha, Guruvayoor Sathyagraha, Paliyam Sathyagraha. Kuttamkulam Sathyagraha, Temple Entry Proclamation, Temple Entry Act .Malyalee Memorial, Ezhava Memorial etc. Malabar riots, Civil Disobedience Movement, Abstention movement etc.
Role Of Press In Renaissance
Malayalee, Swadeshabhimani, Vivekodayam, Mithavadi, Swaraj, Malayala Manorama, Bhashaposhini, Mathnubhoomi, Kerala Kaumudi, Samadarsi, Kesari, Al- Ameen, Prabhatham, Yukthivadi, etc
Awakening Through Literature
Novel, Drama, Poetry, Purogamana Sahithya Prasthanam, Nataka Prashtanam, Library movement etc
Women And Social Change
Parvathi Nenmenimangalam, Arya Pallam, A V Kuttimalu Amma, Lalitha Prabhu.Akkamma Cheriyan, Anna Chandi, Lalithambika Antharjanam and others
Leaders Of Renaissance
Thycaud Ayya Vaikundar, Sree Narayana Guru, Ayyan Kali.Chattampi Swamikal, Brahmananda Sivayogi, Vagbhadananda, Poikayil Yohannan(Kumara Guru) Dr Palpu, Palakkunnath Abraham Malpan, Mampuram Thangal, Sahodaran Ayyappan, Pandit K P Karuppan, Pampadi John Joseph, Mannathu Padmanabhan, VT Bhattathirippad, Vakkom Abdul Khadar Maulavi, Makthi Thangal, Blessed Elias Kuriakose Chaavra, Barrister G P Pillai, TK Madhavan, Moorkoth Kumaran, C. Krishnan, K P Kesava Menon, Dr.Ayyathan Gopalan, C V Kunjuraman, Kuroor Neelakantan Namboothiripad, Velukkutty Arayan, K P Vellon, P K Chathan Master, K Kelappan, P. Krishna Pillai, A K Gopalan, T R Krishnaswami lyer, C Kesavan. Swami Ananda Theerthan, M C Joseph, Kuttippuzha Krishnapillai and others
Literary Figures
Kodungallur Kunhikkuttan Thampuran, KeralaVarma Valiyakoyi Thampuran, Kandathil Varghese Mappila. Kumaran Asan, Vallathol Narayana Menon, Ulloor S Parameswara lyer, G Sankara Kurup, Changampuzha Krishna Pillai, Chandu Menon, Vaikom Muhammad Basheer. Kesav Dev, Thakazhi Sivasankara Pillai, Ponkunnam Varky, S K Pottakkad and others
I.Social Work: definition, meaning, purpose, goals and objectives; assumptions and functions of Social Work - basic and ancillary methods of Social Work scientific basis of Social Work - knowledge, tools, techniques, skills, and abilities of a Professional Social Work Practitioner - principles of Social Work Concepts: Social Service, Social Welfare, Social Security, Social Reform, and Social Action
II.History of Social Work : Religious charity statutes of Edward, Henry, and Elizabeth Elizabethan Poor Law Charity Organisation Society (COS) - Settlement House Movement - Poor Law Commissions and Beverridge Report - Social Work during the Colonial Period in the USA; during the Civil War and Industrial Revolution - professional development of Social Work in the USA - development of Social Work Education Social Work in Ancient India - Social Welfare during Sultanate and Mughal Period contribution of Social Reformers, Social Reform Movements, and Organisations - development of Social Work from charity to Professional Social Work.
III.The Philosophical bases of Social Work Philosophical bases of Social Work moral and religious values in Social Work philosophy Christian, Hindu, Islam, Buddhist traditions - Gandhian Philosophy of Social Work
IV.Voluntary and professional dimensions of Social Work Voluntarism - definition and characteristics of a profession - Social Work as profession; professional role of Social Work Practitioner - development of Social Work Education in India - evolution of the profession over the years; current trends
V.Social Work Values and Code of Ethics Social Work values and ethics essence of ethical behaviour in Social Work - purpose of a Code of Ethics - NASW Code of Ethics - Social Work Values as incorporated in the Code of Ethics - ethical dilemmas in social work practice
VI.Core competencies and attributes of a professional social work practitioner: Holistic view of the human person acceptance of people as they are objectivity non-judgmental and non- exertive attitude ability to relate to and work with different people emotional maturity - self- awareness and conscious use of self-adherence to the Code of Ethics - identification with the profession Core Competencies and Cultural Competencies of a social work practitioner envisioned by NASW/CSWE. Different Fields of Social Work.
Sociology for Social Work:
I.Basic Concepts and Theoretical Perspectives of Sociology Concepts: society, community, association social structure - Status and Role social processes - conjunctive and disjunctive - culture: traditions, customs, values, norms, folkways, mores.
II. Social Institutions and Social Stratification Social Institutions: meaning, characteristics, functions of social institutions: marriage, family, education, polity and religion Social Stratification-caste, class and estate -origin, characteristics, and theories
III. Socialization and Social Change Socialization: meaning, process, agents, theories of socialization - Social Control: meaning, characteristics, relevance, and agencies of social control - Social Change: meaning, characteristics, factors and theories of social change.
IV. Social Problems and Social Analysis Social Problems: poverty, unemployment, migration, alcoholism and substance abuse - Social Analysis: concept, steps and dimensions- System and Structural Analysis application of Sociology and Economics for Social Work
Psychology for social work:
I.Psychology: definition branches of psychology schools and theoretical bases (Psychoanalytic, Behavioural, Cognitive and Humanistic) Basic Concepts: Sensation, Perception, Learning, Memory, Emotions, Intelligence
B. Social Psychology: definition-scope of Social Psychology - an overview of the theoretical foundations of Social Psychology - Basic Concepts Social Cognition Conformity Attitudes Prejudice Rumour - Propaganda
C. Relevance of Psychology to Social Work: Multi-dimensional Perspective Psychological - Social (Support systems) - Person-in-Environment (PIE) Biophysical- II Theories of Development Differentiating Growth and Development - the major psychological
II.Theories for Development differentiating growth and development -the major psychological & social theories of development (Erik Erikson - Piaget Kohlberg Sigmund Freud) - Developmental Tasks (Havighurst) - developmental tasks during various stages in the lifespan
III. Pregnancy, Childbirth and Infancy Conception prenatal stages delivery - infancy - babyhood - the physiological, emotional, cognitive and social changes - socialization - hazards - social work intervention
IV. Childhood Developmental Tasks of Early and Late Childhood - the physiological, emotional, social, personality and cognitive changes - socialization and parenting - hazards - social work interventions
V. Puberty & Adolescence Puberty: Biophysical, cognitive, psychological and social changes and implication for social work; Adolescence - identity crisis - peer pressure - vocational planning - the Hazards - Social Work Intervention
VI. Adulthood Developmental Tasks of Early Adulthood: vocational, marital and social adjustments - Developmental Tasks of Middle Age-physiological, social, vocational and familial adjustment- midlife crisis - developmental Tasks of Old Age - Physiological, emotional, spiritual and social implications - hazards - social work interventions
VII. Abnormal Psychology Abnormality: Concept: Normality vs. Abnormality - Biological, Psycho-social, Sociocultural bases in abnormal behaviour culture-bound syndrome - faith healing - Assessment of Mental Illness basic overview regarding classification of mental illnesses - Psychosis and Neuroses - symptoms of major classification of Mental Illnesses ICD-10 and DSM-Defence Mechanisms - overview of mental illnesses
Theory and practice of Counselling:
I.Counselling: meaning, definition, and scope differentiating Guidance, Counselling and Psychotherapy Contexts: Remedial, Preventive, Developmental, Crisis Forms: Telephone Counselling, Crisis Counselling, Vocational Counselling - Goals: Immediate and Long term
II. Theories of Counselling Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theories, behavioural theories, humanistic theories, and existential theories
Social Group Work:
I.Group: definition, types, characteristics, the impact of group experience on the individual Social Group Work: definition, objectives, scope, purpose - Principles of group work.
II. Social Group Work Process Social Group Work Process: Intake, study, goal-setting, intervention, evaluation Stages of Group Development goal-setting, group norm, problem solving, decision making, conflict resolution programme as a tool, principles of programme planning, programme media, programme development process Social Group Work Models - Group Worker: role, functions, skills, and qualities.
III.Group process: definition Group processes: associative and dissociative group process. Bond, acceptance, isolation, rejection, conflict and control - Subgroups- meaning and types tools for assessing group interaction: Sociogram and sociometry - functional and non-functional role of individuals in a group.
IV. Group Dynamics Group Dynamics: Definition communication and interaction pattern - interpersonal attraction and cohesion social integration and influence group culture. Leadership: concept, theories - types of leadership and contexts - roles and qualities of a leader- participatory leadership.
V. Recording Social Group Work Recording: use, structure and content - Methods of recording: Verbatim, narrative, condensed, analytical and summary records - supervision and development of personal and professional self.
Social Case work:
I. Definition, nature, objectives, relevance, scope - relation of Social Case Work to other methods of Social Work - historical development of Social Case Work
II. Philosophy Social Case Work - Principles and components of Social Case Work and ethical issues in the practice of Social Case Work
III. Overview of Phases of Helping Process in Social Case Work 1. Engagement 2. Exploration 3. Planning: Assessment: Multidimensionality of assessment-critical role of assessment- various components of assessment- different systems of assessment - intra-personal, interpersonal and environmental systems, family system and social support systems; Tools for Exploration and Assessment: Interviewing, supportive techniques, home visits, collateral contacts and referrals. Client-Worker Relationship: Definition, use and characteristics. Transference and CounterTransference and their use in diagnosis and treatment. Goal setting and formulation of contract 4. Intervention: Implementation and Goal Attainment 5. Evaluation 6. Disengagement/Termination.
IV. Social Case Work Intervention Models Different models to conceptualize social case work practice Psychoanalytic model- The behavioural Model, Psychosocial model, Functional Model, Humanistic-existential Model, Problem solving Model, General Systems Model, Crisis Intervention, Task-centred Model, Solution-focused Model
V. Skills and techniques in helping process in case work Support, Clarification, Interpretation, Suggestion, Developing insight, Identification, Resource Utilization, Environmental Modification, Counselling
VI. An overview about Case work settings Primary Settings- Work with Children and Families, Work with socially disadvantaged Secondary Settings: Prisons, Industry, Schools, Hospitals
VII. Recording Social Case Work Recording: use, structure and content - Methods of recording: Verbatim, narrative, condensed, analytical and summary records - supervision and development of personal and professional self
Social Work Research
I. Research definition and objectives: differentiate social research and social work research - Scientific enquiry: scope and nature, basic elements of scientific method - Research paradigms: quantitative and qualitative
II. Quantitative Research Methods in social work Research Problem formulation: - concepts, theoretical and operational definition of concepts role of theory in research - variables: types- Hypothesis- definition, types, sources and significance review of literature: importance and methods - formulation of research proposal- meaning and major steps of a research proposal - pilot study - ethical considerations in research. Research Design: - Meaning, purposes and types: cross sectional; longitudinal; comparative; case study; evaluative; action research; experimental. Quasi-experimental design. Single subject designs in social work, group design. Population and Sampling: sampling definition, sampling theory, purpose and types probability and non- probability sampling - Merits and demerits. Sources and types of data: primary and secondary, quantitative and qualitative data. Measurement-Levels, scales and scaling techniques, Pre-test, Problems of scaling - Reliability, Internal and external validity Data collection: Primary and Secondary data. Methods of data collection interview schedule, questionnaires. Data analysis and data presentation in quantitative studies: Editing, Coding, tabulating, Interpreting, Descriptive and inferential Analysis Report writing -Biostatical methods; use of statistical methods and purpose and basis of
III. Statistical Methods: Nature and purpose of statistics limitations of statistics in social work research. Tabulation of data classification Frequency distribution-construction of frequency tables, graphic and diagrammatic presentation of data- Bar chart, Pie chart, Histogram, Frequency curve and O-give. Normal distribution.
IV. Theoretical understanding of Descriptive and Inferential statistics Central Tendency: meaning, relevance, uses, merits and demerits Measures of dispersion (Range, Quartile deviation, Mean deviation, Standard Deviation): meaning, relevance, uses, merits and demerits Measures of Correlation (Karl Pearson's Coefficient of correlation and Spearman's Rank correlation) : meaning, relevance, uses, merits and demerits Tests: Chi Square, t test, Mann Whitney and ANOVA, Kruskal-Wallis Process, interpretation and presentation of the findings.
V. Qualitative Research methods in social work: Approaches in qualitative research. Planning and preparing proposals for qualitative studies, The Process of Qualitative Research: (1) Conceptualizing qualitative studies: identifying the focus of the study, the areas of study and lines of inquiry (2) Designing qualitative studies: developing a research strategy, theoretical sampling, specifying the role of the researched and the researcher, and insider/outsider perspectives; (3) Methods of data collection: Systematic observation, life histories, in-depth/unstructured interviews, group interviews and focus group discussions, case studies, narrative research, phenomenology, ethnography and participant observation-advantages and disadvantages. (4) Data processing and analysis (5) Writing-up qualitative studies. Principles of Triangulation.
VI. Use of research software For Referencing, data analysis, Process and various statistical procedures using SPSS, interpretation and presentation of the statistical findings.
VII. Research Report Major components of a research report, Report Writing: Format - Style - Content Qualities of a good research report - Communicability - Appendix, Bibliography, Footnotes, etc. Rules of Report Writing - applications of APA format.
Project planning and Management
I. Definition of Project and Planning a. Project: concept - characteristic features of social development project- concepts: plan, programme, project and activity integrated approach of project - planning process: types - strategic planning and perspective planning b. Project cycle- i) Project Planning (problem identification, project design, project appraisal)
ii. Project Management (project implementation, project monitoring, project review, project evaluation) c. classification of project: based on purpose, productivity, size, duration II Social Development Organisation a. Social development organizations: concept, characteristic features b. setting of vision, mission, goal, objectives, activities of a social development organization c. organisational planning- strategic planning, operational planning and project planning
III. Project Cycle- Project Planning 1. Project Problem Identification- approaches to identifying problems, generation of project ideas, elimination of non-viable project ideas and selection of project ideas- methods to project idea generation: PRA, PLA; pillars, principles, tools/ methods. 2. Project Design- Logical Frame Approach(LFA): concept, approach, matrix, Analysis: Stakeholder(Participation) Analysis, Problem Tree Analysis, Objective Tree analysis, Analysis of Strategies(Alternatives)- deciding on project goal, purpose, activities, assumptions, verifiable indicators and means of verification - activity plan -estimation time estimation, cost estimation and resource estimation: budgeting, recurring and non-recurring expenses 3. Project Appraisal- technical appraisal, marketing appraisal, environment appraisal, management appraisal and profitability appraisal, Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA)
IV. Project Cycle- Project Management 4. Project Implementation: Time-plan and inter-linkages of activities, estimation of resource estimation, Critical Path Method (CPM), Project Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) 5. Project Monitoring: monitoring cycle, steps in monitoring, levels of monitoring, process monitoring and output monitoring, indicators of monitoring 6. Project Review- variance analysis and performance analysis; method of review analysis; Review (Progress) report 7. Project Evaluation: purpose, needs, types (of evaluation); Evaluation - Objectives and goal, decision, user, and response focused; steps in evaluation - Project evaluation report
V. Project Format for Project Proposal Writing a. Need and importance of Project Proposal b. Steps involved in project proposal writing- project report- progress report c. Executive Summary, history, requirement, and solution VI Project Finance and Financial Management Budgeting- financial management and accounting -investment appraisal and financial analysis FCRA: essential laws, its requirement, filing of annual returns roles and functions of project manager Project Management Information System (PMIS)
VII Fundraising Management a. Basic Principles in Fundraising; Importance of Strategic Fundraising Management b. Major Gift Programs: Strategies for Major Gift programme; Preparing for a Major Gifts Initiative; The Solicitation Interview c. Mail and Email Fundraising strategies, Telephone Solicitations, Special Event Fundraisers: Choosing a Special Event.
Implementing the Event; Cause-Related Marketing d. Evaluation of Fundraising Plans and Process and Presentation of Fundraising Plan.
Social legislations and Human Rights
I. Law and Indian Constitution a. Law: Concept of rule of law, law as an agent of social change, social control and social justice b. Indian Constitution: preamble, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Directive Principles of State policy - organs of administration: Legislative, Executive and Judiciary procedure for framing legislations in the Assembly and Parliament - c. An over-view of Justice Systems: IPC, CPC, CrPC, FIR, types of offences, hierarchy of courts, procedures and formalities in the legal proceedings.
II. Personal Laws Personal Laws related to Marriage, Divorce, Succession, Adoption and guardianship of the minor for Hindus, Mohammedan and Christians Special Marriage Act, Indian Divorce Act, Indian Succession Act- Family Court Act 1984 - Uniform Civil Code
III. Social Legislations for women, children and Environment a. Dowry Prohibition Act 1984, Domestic Violence (Prohibition) Act 2005, Women's Commission, Food Security Act Sexual harassment at Work Place Act b. UNCRC: Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act 2015, Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act 2012 and Right to Education Act 2009 c. Environment Protection Act 1986 Right to Information Act 2005, NREGA Act - 2005
IV. Various Commissions and Legal Services Minority Commission: constitution and functions - Public Interest Litigation, Legal Aid, LokAdalat - Constitutional Remedies: Habeas Corpus, Mandamus, Prohibitions, Quo Warranto, Certioraris role of social worker in providing legal services
V. Human Rights Historical perspectives of Human Rights UNDHR: context, content and application - Human Rights Commission at State and Central - Human Rights (Protection) Act - Human Rights violation in India - violation of Human Rights of Vulnerable and Marginalised groups, women and children, aged population and Minorities, Dalits, Indigenous People
VI. Human Rights at the Global Level Globalisation and Human Rights Health and Human Rights Gender and Human Rights - Refugees and Human Rights, role of Amnesty International. Cyber Crimes & Legal Framework Cyber Security, Cyber Information, Terrorism and Cyber Crimes Cyber Defamation, Cyber Pornography Legal Framework: Information Technology Act 2008 Intellectual Property Rights and CopyRight, Cyber Jurisprudence at International and Indian Level
Criminology and social deviance
I.Crime, Social Deviance, Social Disorganization and social pathology; crime social and legal concept; Crime, Tort, Sin, Vice, Immorality; Crime as deviant behavior; Socialization, decriminalization. Definition of criminology, evolution of criminology and its objectives, scope.
II. Scientific status of criminology, relationship with other social sciences. Key concepts in criminology: crime in sociological and legal point of view, characteristics of crime, crime and criminality, types of criminals, characteristics of criminals. Schools of criminology: Classical, neoclassical, positive, socialist, cartographic sociological schools of criminology, critical review of schools of criminology, multiple causation of crime.
III. Typology of criminal behavior: Social crime, organized crime, political crime, public order crime, professional crime, conventional crime, white-collar crime, Cyber crime. Recidivism: definition, causes and problems of recidivism, prevention of recidivism, role of family and society for preventing recidivism, recidivism trends in India.
IV. Penology: definition of penology, evolution of penology, objectives of penology, trends of penology in India. Community policing system in India. Extent of crime in society; The problem of criminal statistics and their relevant data; inadequacies of data and remedies suggested
V. Problems of Social Disorganization; Individual disorganization: Alcoholism, drug addiction, Prostitution, beggary and suicide; Family disorganization: the changing family, family tension desertion and divorce; Community disorganization; Mobility and Migration; National disorganization: Lingustism, communal and caste tensions, and political corruption. The problem of ex-criminal tribe's reference to India; their social organisation and attitudes in relation to their antisocial activities.
Correctional Social Work:
I.Concept, Scope and Techniques. Application of Social Work in correctional settings.
II. Methods in the Institutional and Non-Institutional Correctional Setting. Dilemmas of Custody - Corrections Mix. Corrections: A Component of the Criminal Justice System. Community based Corrections: Probation, Parole and After-Case. Group Counselling and Group therapy in Correctional Institutions.
III.Problems of Trained Social Workers in Correctional Settings: Future of Correctional Social Work: Trends and Perspective. Social Case Work in Correctional Settings, Case Conferences, Role of Other experts in the Correctional Work. Follow up and rehabilitation of Criminals. Social Work with Women Criminal and Social Work with Habitual Offenders. Social Work with Suicides.
IV.Legal forms Work of Corrections in Institutional Settings: Prison Act, 1894; and Prisoners Act, 1900. Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection) Act, 2002. Legal Framework of Community Based Corrections, Probation of Offenders Act, 1958. Rules for Parole and Premature Release of Prisoners.
Administration of Human Service Organisation
I. Administration, Types of Administration, Social Administration and Social Work Administration, Social Work Administration as a method, Tasks of Social Work Administrator, Principles of Social Work Administration.
II. Organisation and Management: Organisation, Types of Organisations, Characteristics of Formal and Informal Organisations, Benefits of Informal Organisations, Bureaucratic Organisations and Human Relations Organisations. Characteristics of HSO in comparison with industrial, educational and health care organisations.
III. Administrative Process Planning-Organising-Staffing-Directing-Coordinating-Reporting and Budgeting.
IV. Registration of organisations: Advantages of Registering, Acts for Registering Organisations-Society, Trust, Companies Act, Cooperatives Act. Registration under Societies Registration Act - Drawing up of Memorandum of Association-Constitution and Bye-laws of HSO - Board, Functions, Types of Members, Qualifications, Committee, Types of Committees, Sub-committees, Principles of Effective Committee Work - Holding meetings of the statutory bodies, keeping minutes, filing returns, sending timely reports.
V. Personnel Functions in HSO Formulating service rules policies governing recruitment, selection, induction, training and development, Performance Appraisal, promotion, transfer of staff and compensation package, privileges, personnel grievances handling and disciplinary procedures. VI Welfare Programme: Objectives, functions, Organisational structure and programmes: CSWB, SSWB and Directorate of Social Justice, programmes of Ministry of Social Justice and empowerment, Women and Child Development, Ministry of Youth Welfare.
VII. Social protection: Concepts of Social Safety nets for poor and Inclusive growth. Social protection & labour strategies: Resilience, Equity and Opportunity: Role of Civil society organizations in social protection.