Updated on: 22 Oct 2024

HSA Social science Syllabus

HSA Social science പരീക്ഷയിൽ Part A കവർ ചെയ്യുന്നത് a) Renaissance and freedom movement, b) General Knowledge and Current Affairs, and c) Teaching Aptitude and related Pedagogy തുടങ്ങിയ വിഷയങ്ങളാണ്. Part B കവർ ചെയ്യുന്നത് Social Science എന്ന വിഷയവുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ചോദ്യങ്ങളാണ്. HSA Social Science പരീക്ഷയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട സിലബസാണ്‌ താഴെ ചർച്ച ചെയ്യുന്നത് 

സിലബസ് വിശദമായി


Module I : Renaissance and freedom movement

Module II: General Knowledge and current affairs

Module III: Methodology of teaching the subject

♦ History/conceptual development. Need and Significance, Meaning Nature and Scope of the Subject.

♦ Correlation with other subjects and life situations.

♦ Aims, Objectives, and Values of Teaching – Taxonomy of Educational Objectives – Old and revised

♦ Pedagogic analysis- Need, Significance and Principles.

♦ Planning of instruction at Secondary level- Need and importance. Psychological bases of Teaching the subject – Implications of Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Vygotsky, Ausubel and Gardener – Individual difference, Motivation, Maxims of teaching.

♦ Methods and Strategies of teaching the subject- Models of Teaching, Techniques of individualising instruction.

♦ Curriculum – Definition, Principles, Modern trends and organizational approaches, Curriculum reforms – NCF/KCF.

♦ Instructional resources- Laboratory, Library, Club, Museum- Visual and Audio-Visual aids – Community based resources – e-resources – Text book, Work book and Hand book.

♦ Assessment; Evaluation- Concepts, Purpose, Types, Principles, Modern techniques – CCE and Grading- Tools and techniques – Qualities of a good test – Types of test items- Evaluation of projects, Seminars and Assignments – Achievement test, Diagnostic test – Construction, Characteristics, interpretation and remediation.

♦ Teacher – Qualities and Competencies – different roles – Personal

Qualities – Essential teaching skills – Microteaching – Action research..അതിനാൽ HSA സോഷ്യൽ സയൻസ് സിലബസ് വിശദമായി താഴെ നൽകുന്നു


Module I

1. Definitions of History

2. Bronze Age Civilizations – Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Harappan Civilizations

3. Graeco-Roman Civilizations

4. Renaissance, Reformation, Geographical discoveries.

5. Modern Revolutions – English, French, Russian Revolutions, and Industrial Revolution.

6. World Wars – League of Nations and United Nations

Module II

1. Vedic Age, Jainism, and Buddhism.

2. Mauryas and Guptas.

3. State and Society in medieval India – Sultanate, Mughal, and Vijayanagar.

4. Advent of Europeans – Birth and Growth of British power in India – Impact of Colonialism.

5. Emergence of Nationalism – Struggle for Freedom – Partition of India.

6. Sources of Kerala History – Jainism and Buddhism in Kerala.

7. Kerala in the Sangam Age – Perumals of Mahodayapuram – Bhakti Movement.

8. Rise of Modern Travancore – Resistance against Colonialism – Pazhassi Raja, Velu Thambi, and Paliyathachan.

9. Renaissance in Kerala – Social and Religious reform movements.

10. National Movement in Kerala – Aikya Kerala Movement – Formation of Kerala State

Module III: Economic Theory, Banking, and Tools of Analysis

Issues and Concepts in Economics – Theories of Consumer Behaviour: Cardinal and Ordinal Approaches – Elasticity of Demand – Production and Cost Functions –National Income Concepts – Sectoral Composition of GDP –– Theories of International Trade: Absolute Cost Advantage – Comparative Cost Advantage – Commercial banks and Central bank: Role and Functions. Application of measures of Central Values, Dispersion, and simple Correlation in economics

Module IV: Indian Economy, Development Economics, Public Finance, and Kerala Economy

Overview of Indian economy – Economic Planning – Five Year Pans in IndiaMajor Development Issues: Poverty, inequality, unemployment – Concepts of Human Development: Measurement of Development – PQLI, HDI – Concept of sustainable development – Structure of Taxes and Expenditure of the Government – Concepts of Federal Finance – Development Experience of Kerala – Demographic transition, gender issues, migration, and urbanization.


1. Meaning, importance, and approaches to the study of Political Science

2. Major concepts in Political Science- state, civil society, sovereignty

3. Political culture, political socialization

4. Federalism, rule of law, judicial review, Judicial activism,

5. Role of Political parties and pressure groups

6. Democracy- meaning and features – Direct and Indirect democracy – Parliamentary and Presidential systems

7. Indian political system: salient features of the Indian Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy. Working of Union and State Governments: A brief analysis

8. Human Rights- Meaning and importance, Universal Declaration of Human Rights


1. International Politics and Organizations. Diplomacy, Foreign Policy, Collective Security, Disarmament, and Arms Control. UNO-Principal organs and functions. New trends: Globalization, WTO.

2. Public Administration. Principles of Organization, Bureaucracy: merits and demerits, New Public Administration, New Public Management, Development Administration, Significance of Local Self Government Institutions in India.

3. Political Thinkers. Plato, J S Mill, Aristotle, Rousseau, Marx, Gramsci, and Gandhiji: Major contributions

Module VII – Physical Geography

Solar System and Planets – latitudes and longitudes – time – seasons – maps, map scales – basics of remote – structure of the earth – continents and oceans – continental drift – plate tectonics – rocks – weathering and erosion – fluvial, glacial, Aeolian, landforms. Composition and structure of atmosphere – temperature and their distribution – pressure belts, winds – condensation and precipitation – Major oceans and their characteristics – tides and currents.

Module VIII – Human and Regional Geography

Population – World population distribution, growth – migration – settlements – rural and urban – climatic regions of the world – Types of agriculture in the world – distribution of iron ore and coal in the world– distribution of industries in the world – iron and steel – cotton textiles. Physiography of India – drainage – climate – soils – forests – Distribution, growth, and density of population in India – Distribution of rice, wheat, cotton, and sugar cane in India. Irrigation and multipurpose projects of India. Distribution of iron ore, coal,bauxite, mica, petroleum, and atomic minerals – non-conventional energy resources – Distribution of iron and steel, textiles, and agro-based industries in India – Transport in India – Geography of Kerala