Updated on: 09 Dec 2024

KTET Category 3 English syllabus 

KTET Category 3 English consists of two parts: a general section and a subject-specific section focused on English. The test includes multiple-choice questions (MCQs), and the total duration of the exam is usually 2.5 hours. The question paper is divided into the following sections:

1.Child Development and Pedagogy (General Section):

This section assesses the candidate’s understanding of child psychology, teaching methodologies, and educational philosophy. It focuses on how teachers can support the learning and development of children in the classroom, including knowledge of inclusive education and learning disabilities.Here is the detailed syllabus of this section

  • Adolescent Psychology: Adolescence, Problems of adolescence, and Developmental theories

  • Theories of Learning: Nature and concept of Learning, Factors affecting learning, Creativity, Theories of learning, etc

  • Teaching Aptitude: Teaching, Teacher Roles, Methods and, Techniques of Teaching, Classroom Management, etc

2.English Language Content (Subject-Specific Section):

This section evaluates a candidate's proficiency in English language skills such as grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing. It also assesses the candidate’s ability to teach English effectively to students at the upper primary level.Detailed Syllabus as follows:

  • Objectives of teaching English 

  • Principles and methods of English Language 

  • Teaching Communicative approach

  • SOS approach 

  •  Bilingual Method 

  •  Humanistic Approaches 

  • Learner assessment, CCE

  • Early Literature - Chaucer and his contemporaries -Later Middle English Literature 

  • The Renaissance - Elizabethan Prose - Drama previous to Shakespeare - Shakespeare and the later Dramatists 

  • Poetry from Spencer to the Restoration - The Restoration Poetry - Drama & Prose 

  • The Augustan Novel - Prose 

  • Writers of the 18th century - The Romantic Movement 

  • Early 19th century Poets - The Novel in the later Eighteenth Century and earlier Nineteenth century 

  • Victorian Poetry - Novel - Drama 

  • Twentieth Century literature 

  • Major themes in modern and postmodern literature - Feminist literature - Major Indian writers in English 

  • Basic concepts in Film studies - Media studies - Translation studies 

  • Phonetics, History and structure of the English Language - Phonology - Morphology - Phrase structure Grammar 

  • Modern Grammar and usage - Tense and aspects, Word classes, Concord, Sentence transformation, Reporting, Passivisation 

  • Vocabulary Idioms and Phrases